Bead Trends Magazine - December 2010


 My December 2010 submission for Bead Trends Magazine is a vintage style set called "Joolz".  The set includes a necklace, bracelet and earrings featuring Vintaj Natural Brass.  

Surprisingly, this set is not named after anyone in particular.  I picked the name "Joolz" because of the rich gem tone colors.

Bead Trends magazine is published monthly.  They have a fabulous on-line edition of the magazine if you cannot locate the publication in your area. 

I would love to hear comments about the color combo.  Do you like it?  Is it too startling?  Let me know what you think.


  1. color combo is awesome, D! Love the contrast. Its a beautiful set.

  2. Congratulations once again. Your Joolz set is just beautiful. Happy creating...

  3. This is my favorite color combo, and this is a really beautiful piece Denise (selling on Etsy?)!! Happy Holiday- Felicia

  4. Love the coler combo, very beautiful!

  5. completly love the color combo, it bold, bright and beautiful!

  6. absolutely gorgeous! One of my fav color combos :)

  7. I have always loved that color is actually my favorite! Sooo not startling at all to me...just fabulous designs and the name Joolz...well I can honestly say that I like that, too...tee hee...

    Cheers, Pam

  8. Wonderful, colored jewelery loved most by a great mass. And I am also part of that. Good collection. Cremation jewelry


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