Georgian & Victorian Seed Pearl Jewelry

Back in the 90's before I started to design jewelry, I longed to be an antique appraiser. I love
all types of antiques and collectibles. I wanted to be able to value and date my fabulous finds. My collections consist of sterling & plated silver, brilliant cut glass, furniture and of course jewelry. To achieve this goal I attended the College of Appraisers in Placentia, CA (I believe the school is no longer located there. The owners have since passed away). It took me two years to complete the appraiser certificate program. Although I do not appraise for a living, the knowledge gained attending the classes were priceless!

Seed Pearl Jewelry was handmade during the last quarter of the 18th century to the end of the
19th century. A seed pearl is a natural pearl that weighs less than a quarter of a grain. The diameter is less than 2 mm. Can you imagine someone drilling a hole in these tiny treasures? A mother of pearl backing is used to attach the pearls with blond horse hair. The result is a absolutely gorgeous work of art. Dating these pieces can be hard. Dating clues include style and size of the piece. During the mid 19th century clothing became fuller and heavier, so the styles of jewelry became fuller with more open spaces.

The photos included in my blog today are pieces from my personal collection. Because of their style, I believe these beauties are from the Georgian Era. This era dates back to the mid 18th century. If you look closely at the back, you will see the horse hair that was used to attach the tiny pearls.

The following are links on how to become an antique appraisers: Asheford Institute of Antiques and


  1. wow-remind me never to show you my cool antiques (that are probably worthless.) The jewelry is really cool though.

  2. Love this piece. If only it could talk what tales it would tell.

  3. I would love to see your antiques Erin. Inishbufon, I am with you - If only these pieces could talk!

  4. Thanks for the information. I love to learn about historical influences on styles of jewelry.

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  5. Absolutely gorgeous work of art. Nicely pearls are used in this necklace and beautifully made.
    Antique Jewelry

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I picked it up in Darlington, England; and it had this description: "a seed pearl brooch modelled as a stylized heart set throughout with graduating seed pearls .


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