Bead Trends Magazine - October 2010

Bead Trends Magazine 
October 2010

The October issue of Bead Trends has just hit the Newsstands.

I have one project in this issue "Bel Ami Shari".  This piece was named after my friend Shari Vallejos.  Shari is a wonderful person.   She is a beautiful, strong woman who I admire very much.

I love creating these heirloom designs out of sterling silver and semi precious stones.  I am sure this technique must have a name.  I call it "intricate wire work."  If anyone knows the name of this specific technique, please let me know.


  1. I was really taken aback when I saw this, Denise. For me it is a departure from the style I usually see from you, but one that is so intricate and pretty. Such great attention to detail! It looks challenging to do this, but knowing where you create makes me think that maybe I could tackle a project like this! ;-)
    Enjoy the day!

  2. 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...' and whatever you call's beautiful!!! :-)

  3. So pretty! I haven't gotten my issue in the mail yet and it's KILLING me (all my local friends have already gotten theirs!)

  4. Thats a gorgeous piece, D. Mine is totally lame compared to this. I haven't gotten my copy yet either--where the heck is it?!!!

  5. So so beautiful! An amazing necklace :)Greets!


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