Pretty Palettes July Reveal

Pretty Palettes July Reveal

 This month Molly Schaller was inspired by a Marimekko swimsuit that she purchased at Target last season. To find out more about Marimekko, a Finnish design company, visit Halcraft's July 2017 inspiration post.

Here is palette generated from this whimsical swimsuit -

My bead selection for this challenge are -

Bead Gallery® yellow glass 6/0 E seed beads
Bead Gallery® cobalt blue glass 6/0 E seed beads
Bead Gallery® turquoise glass 6/0 E seed beads
Bead Gallery® pink glass 6/0 E seed beads
Bead Gallery® red glass 6/0 E seed beads
Bead Gallery® synthetic Lapis stone 6mm beads
Bead Gallery® reconstituted Lapis stone 4mm 

Be sure to hurry to your local Michaels store if you are interested in purchasing these beads -  Supplies are limited.

The hues of this palette are so fun and colorful that I decided to create a playful design - The Fiesta Necklaces.

My next design is the Fiesta Bracelet

Lastly, we have the Fiesta Earrings

I hope you enjoyed my designs for this months Pretty Palettes.  Be sure to join me next month and following me on Instagram for daily inspiration.


  1. I love how you used the seed beads, Denise! These colors feel so fresh and fun! Thanks for playing along with me!

    1. Thank you so much Molly - Can't wait until August Pretty Palettes.

  2. I am in love with these fiesta necklaces! That colorful beaded 'fringe' around the tassel is fabulous. I've been thinking for awhile that it's time to add a tassel necklace to my jewelry box, and now here's the perfect inspiration!

    1. Awe thank you Sarah - Please post a pic I would love to see what you come up with.


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